
Our holistic services complement each other as well as clients who are truly seeking a long-lasting, positive lifestyle change.

These programs are based on evidence-based knowledge and extensive research, teaching you how to adopt healthier lifestyle habits, without going to extremes. We take time and care to ensure that all programs are adjusted to your individual needs and goals.

Learning how to apply powerful anti-stress, cognitive, emotional and relaxation techniques on a daily basis is the first step on your journey. This knowledge leads to a state of awareness, enabling you to shed irrational, inhibiting beliefs, reduce stress and curb unhealthy emotions, while increasing energy levels, improving sleep and helping you to reach your full potential.

You recognize that what you do today will pay off in the years to come, and our programs are designed to nurture your desire for lifelong lifestyle change, rather than temporary, quick-fix solutions. We teach you how to make the changes that will result in the ongoing success and ultimately lead to a state of well-being.

Holistic services offered:

Holistic services



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Chicago Center for Wellbeing | Therapy, Coaching, & Fitness logo

230 E Ohio street suite 705
Chicago, IL 60611
+1 312 539 3345

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