Multicultural Therapy

We are experienced and knowledgeable of multiculturalism in therapy and actively apply multicultural therapy principles in our client work.

Members of minority groups who can benefit from multicultural approach:

  • Immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Racial, ethnic and religious groups
  • Other minority groups

Marko applies multicultural therapy principles to cognitive behavior therapy, couples counseling, family therapy and fully understand the psycho-social issues that affect the development of marginalized clients and the unique problems they face.  Also, he recognizes potential limitations of evidence-based therapies in effectively addressing the needs of clients from various backgrounds.  The influence of the client’s culture is weighed throughout every aspect of the therapeutic process.

We continuously do self-reflective work in order to raise our own self-awareness and to ensure that we are sensitive to our inherent racial and cultural identity and privilege, ethnocentrism, prejudice and stereotypes when interacting with diverse populations.

Currently, therapy as well as other services are offered in the following languages:

  • English
  • Serbian
  • Bosnian
  • Croatian

We are planning to expand this list soon. Stay tuned!


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Chicago Center for Wellbeing | Therapy, Coaching, & Fitness logo

230 E Ohio street suite 705
Chicago, IL 60611
+1 312 539 3345

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